Thursday, August 15, 2013

micro computer

A micro computer is a complete computer on a smaller scale and in generally a synonym before the more common term,personal computer or PC,a computer designed for an individual,or a computer that depends on a microprocessors.Microcomputer are designed to be used by individuals,whether in the form of PCs workstations or notebook computers.A microcomputers contains a central processing unit on a microchip a memory system,a bus system and I/O ports typically housed in a motherboards.
          These computers are called micro because of the use of microprocessors as memory and are very small.These computers are also called PC(personal computer)or home computers.The smallest of this category are laptop,notebook,palmtops computers etc.The size is reducing day by day and it can be kept on top of the desks,on top of your lap or on top of your palm.the advancement of technology is bringing computers with special features and reduced size.

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